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The Sutro Stewards' Blog

Trip Report: August Bird Walk
One of my favorite aspects of bird watching is the changing of behaviors and species seen throughout the seasons. August is a quiet month...
Whitney Grover
Aug 24, 2018

August Walks on Mount Sutro
Plant Hikes Saturday, August 4 | 1:30 - 4:00 PM Saturday, August 18 | 1:30 - 4:00 PM Discover Mount Sutro and work on your plant...
Sutro Stewards
Jul 31, 2018

Hike Report: Bird Watching Route
Hike Report: Bird Watching While Walking from the Neighborhood to Trails on the UCSF Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve In the 1970s I...
Maryann Rainey
Jan 30, 2018

Sutro Bird Watcher: Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus Grab Your Binoculars! Do you hear that loud call like a ‘squeaky toy’? Do you hear a long series of...
Maryann Rainey
Nov 6, 2017

Sutro Bird Watcher: Steller’s Jay & California Scrub-Jay
Grab Your Binoculars! Why is it that when walking the trails on Mt. Sutro the Steller’s Jay is seen and heard, while in neighboring...
Maryann Rainey
Aug 27, 2017

Sutro Bird Watcher: Dark-eyed Junco
Grab Your Binoculars! The Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) March and April: Early Springtime After Wet Winter Rains Do you hear that long...
Maryann Rainey
Mar 29, 2017

Sutro Bird Watcher: Red-shouldered Hawk
Grab Your Binoculars! The Mt. Sutro Open Space Reserve offers mystery and intrigue to those willing to explore its century-old trails....
Maryann Rainey
Mar 1, 2017

Trip Report: February Bird Walk
[endif]--We met at the UCSF Woods Lot at 8:15 AM on Saturday, February 18--planning to be out of the way by the time volunteers started...
Pat Greene
Feb 23, 2017

Sutro Bird Watcher: Black Phoebe
Grab your binoculars! Wintertime. Looking up from the planting table in the Sutro Nursery, I spy a Black Phoebe overhead. His strong...
Maryann Rainey
Feb 2, 2017

Sutro Bird Watcher: Golden-Crowned Sparrow
Grab your binoculars! Traveling in small groups, a migrating species of sparrow, the Golden-crowned Sparrow, arrived in late September to...
Maryann Rainey
Oct 28, 2016

Sutro Bird Watcher: Pacific Wren
Grab Your Binoculars! Summertime. The Pacific wren is singing in the Sutro shrubbery, even as most other small birds fall silent in San...
Maryann Rainey
Jun 7, 2016

Sutro Bird Watcher: Wilson's Warbler
Grab your binoculars! When in the moisture laden undergrowth of Mt. Sutro, watered by rain or fog, listen for the insistent call of the...
Maryann Rainey
May 2, 2016

Sutro Bird Watcher: The Hermit Thrush
Grab your binoculars! Do you hear a low, gentle “cluck-cluck” coinciding with the double wing ‘flap-flap’ motion in a medium-sized brown...
Maryann Rainey
Jan 5, 2016

Sutro Bird Watcher: Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
Grab Your Binoculars! December is here and with winter, migrating birds are arriving on Mt. Sutro. This month the ruby-crowned kinglet is...
Maryann Rainey
Dec 1, 2015
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