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The Sutro Stewards' Blog

Spring Native Plant Sale! Saturday, March 31
Spring Native Plant Sale Saturday, March 31 | 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Sutro Native Plant Nursery | 476 Johnstone Drive, SF 94131 Plant a...
Sutro Stewards
Mar 5, 2018

Winter Conservation Intern Profile: Tommy Alexander
Winter Conservation Intern Profile: Tommy Alexander Hi everyone! I am Tommy: a writer and cartographer with a neighborly interest in Mt....
Tommy Alexander
Feb 27, 2018

Mt. Sutro Native Plant Nursery Needs You!
When I was a kid I loved to play in the dirt. I spent many happy ​​hours digging up the back yard looking for buried treasure...
Janis Gomes
Feb 27, 2018

Plant Profile: Franciscan Wallflower
Franciscan wallflower or San Francisco wallflower (Erysimum franciscanum), a rare and endemic plant to California, can be seen growing in...
Lauren Jones
Jan 8, 2018

Soaproot: A Multi-use Marvel
​​Soaproot: A Multi-use Marvel (Chlorogalum pomeridianum) It’s a cold and rainy November afternoon and winter is tugging at my too-thin...
Janis Gomes
Nov 30, 2017

Fall Native Plant Sale
FALL NATIVE PLANT SALE Saturday, September 30 | 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Sutro Native Plant Nursery | 476 Johnstone Drive, SF 94131 It's...
Liza Kachko
Aug 27, 2017

Yerba Buena: A Refreshing Native Steeped in History
As far back as 1775 and likely much earlier, yerba buena, a California native herb was thriving on the San Francisco peninsula. It was...
Janis Gomes
Aug 27, 2017

Sutro Stewards Response to UCSF Mount Sutro Draft Environmental Impact Report
August 2017 Take action for the long term health and sustainability of Mount Sutro! We have a big opportunity for improved user...
Sutro Stewards
Aug 18, 2017

Columbine: A Flower of Meanings
Columbine (Aquilegia Formosa): A Flower of Meanings Plant lore associates the columbine with at least as many meanings as the petals on...
Janis Gomes
Jul 25, 2017

Rainwater Catchment & Rain Garden
In 2016, Sutro Stewards received a Community Challenge Grant from the City of San Francisco to install a rainwater catchment system and...
Sutro Stewards
Jul 6, 2017

Native Trees: San Francisco’s Long time Residents
California is widely known as the home to some of the largest trees in the world. Among them is the native California redwood (Sequoia...
Janis Gomes
Apr 24, 2017

Plant Profile: Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum)
During recent walks atop Mt. Sutro, I found a fair amount of native Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum, syn. H. lanatum). With its large...
Janis Gomes
Jan 30, 2017

Plant Profile: Grindelia (Gum Plant)
Summer in San Francisco is in full swing. While the sun shines and the fog rolls in, there’s no better time to take a walk up on Mt....
Janis Gomes
Aug 1, 2016

Nursery News - Summer 2016
After a busy spring propagating, the Sutro Native Plant Nursery is full of plants! Almost 6,000 plants are currently in the nursery. Our...
Liza Kachko
Jul 2, 2016

Plant Profile: Farewell To Spring (Clarkia)
All seasons must reach their zenith, and spring is no exception. To prove it, I was sitting chewing on a pencil in the Sutro Stewards’...
Janis Gomes
Jun 2, 2016

Plant Profile: Manroot (Marah)
Since early January, I had been watching this cute little vine weave its tendrils around plants on Mt. Sutro, sometimes overwhelming...
Janis Gomes
May 2, 2016
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