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The Sutro Stewards' Blog

Sutro Stewards High School Summer Internship Program
This summer we led our first high school internship! For 5 weeks nine high school interns got to explore Mount Sutro Open Space,...
Nina Paige
Aug 5, 2019

May Walks on Mount Sutro
Nature Walks Sunday, May 13 | 10am-12:30pm Wednesday, May 30 | 1:30-4pm Discover Mount Sutro and work on your plant ID during a guided...
Sutro Stewards
May 9, 2018

Winter Conservation Intern Profile: Tommy Alexander
Winter Conservation Intern Profile: Tommy Alexander Hi everyone! I am Tommy: a writer and cartographer with a neighborly interest in Mt....
Tommy Alexander
Feb 27, 2018

Sutro Bird Watcher: Red-shouldered Hawk
Grab Your Binoculars! The Mt. Sutro Open Space Reserve offers mystery and intrigue to those willing to explore its century-old trails....
Maryann Rainey
Mar 1, 2017

Sutro Bird Watcher: Golden-Crowned Sparrow
Grab your binoculars! Traveling in small groups, a migrating species of sparrow, the Golden-crowned Sparrow, arrived in late September to...
Maryann Rainey
Oct 28, 2016

Sutro Stewards 10th Anniversary: Reflections From Our Beginning
The Cat It was Fourth of July weekend in 2007 and I found myself out on the Fairy Gates Trail chipping away at a massive rock outcrop. I...
Craig Dawson
Sep 6, 2016

Sutro Stewards Principles for Inclusion in the Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve Management Plan
Sutro Stewards support the creation of a management plan for the Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve. Mount Sutro needs to be managed...
Amy Kaeser
Sep 6, 2016

Beers Made by Walking Native Plant Hikes
The parking lot is cool and foggy and small drops of fog are dripping from the trees above. It’s just another Sunday July morning on...
Amy Kaeser
Aug 2, 2016

Mount Sutro Management Plan & TAC Meeting
UCSF Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve Management Plan Are you a user of Mount Sutro Open Space? If so, please mark your calendar to join...
Amy Kaeser
Aug 2, 2016

Plant Profile: Grindelia (Gum Plant)
Summer in San Francisco is in full swing. While the sun shines and the fog rolls in, there’s no better time to take a walk up on Mt....
Janis Gomes
Aug 1, 2016

San Francisco's "Best City Hike" is Mount Sutro
As the Sutro Stewards celebrate our 10th year of stewardship this September, the Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve has again been awarded...
Craig Dawson
Jul 5, 2016

Nursery News - Summer 2016
After a busy spring propagating, the Sutro Native Plant Nursery is full of plants! Almost 6,000 plants are currently in the nursery. Our...
Liza Kachko
Jul 2, 2016

Sutro Bird Watcher: The Hermit Thrush
Grab your binoculars! Do you hear a low, gentle “cluck-cluck” coinciding with the double wing ‘flap-flap’ motion in a medium-sized brown...
Maryann Rainey
Jan 5, 2016
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