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The Sutro Stewards' Blog

Nursery News - Summer 2016
After a busy spring propagating, the Sutro Native Plant Nursery is full of plants! Almost 6,000 plants are currently in the nursery. Our...
Liza Kachko
Jul 2, 2016

Sutro Bird Watcher: Pacific Wren
Grab Your Binoculars! Summertime. The Pacific wren is singing in the Sutro shrubbery, even as most other small birds fall silent in San...
Maryann Rainey
Jun 7, 2016

Plant Profile: Farewell To Spring (Clarkia)
All seasons must reach their zenith, and spring is no exception. To prove it, I was sitting chewing on a pencil in the Sutro Stewards’...
Janis Gomes
Jun 2, 2016

Plant Profile: Manroot (Marah)
Since early January, I had been watching this cute little vine weave its tendrils around plants on Mt. Sutro, sometimes overwhelming...
Janis Gomes
May 2, 2016

Sutro Bird Watcher: Wilson's Warbler
Grab your binoculars! When in the moisture laden undergrowth of Mt. Sutro, watered by rain or fog, listen for the insistent call of the...
Maryann Rainey
May 2, 2016

Plant Profile: Blue-Eyed Grass
While our welcome winter rains are forecast into March and April, my internal body clock is asking, "Is it spring yet?" From the look of...
Janis Gomes
Mar 7, 2016

Sutro Bird Watcher: The Hermit Thrush
Grab your binoculars! Do you hear a low, gentle “cluck-cluck” coinciding with the double wing ‘flap-flap’ motion in a medium-sized brown...
Maryann Rainey
Jan 5, 2016

Sutro Bird Watcher: Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
Grab Your Binoculars! December is here and with winter, migrating birds are arriving on Mt. Sutro. This month the ruby-crowned kinglet is...
Maryann Rainey
Dec 1, 2015

Plant Profile: Pink Flowering Currant
Winter is here in the Bay Area, but some natives are already looking forward to the clear yet milder weather that spring will bring. One...
Janis Gomes
Nov 29, 2015

Plant Profile: Sticky Monkey Flower
Sticky monkey flower (Mimulus aurantiacus) is a beautiful drought tolerant plant. The name “monkey flower” was given to this plant...
Christina Russo
Sep 1, 2015

Plant Profile: Fringecup (Tellima grandiflora)
Tellima grandiflora, commonly known as fringecup or big flower tellima, is a fragrant flowering plant native to California but can be...
Christina Russo
Aug 11, 2015
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