FALL NATIVE PLANT SALE Saturday, September 30 | 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Sutro Native Plant Nursery | 476 Johnstone Drive, SF 94131

It's planting season! California native plants are a great addition to any garden or landscape, and provide food and home for native insects such as bees and butterflies. Visit the Sutro Native Plant Nursery and take home the perfect plants for your space! There will be many species of locally native and drought tolerant plants available and we can help you select the best for your conditions.
The nursery has a variety of species for sale including yerba buena, western columbine, evening primrose, yarrow, seaside daisy and sea thrift (both great for sandy soils), cow parsnip, blue-eyed grass, and fringecup, as well as seep- sticky- and red- monkeyflower, holly leaf cherry, ferns, grasses and more!

For more information visit our nursery page; for specific plant availability questions contact liza@sutrostewards.org.
Parking is available during the plant sale in spaces directly above the nursery marked "Aldea Center Parking Only" in red (do not park in yellow or blue spaces). Bring a box to carry out plants. Cash, card, and check accepted.
New to gardening with native plants? Not sure which plants will do well in your yard? Check out SF Plant Finder to help you select plants based on your location, watering needs, available space, and habitat value.