Could the Clarendon Trailhead Stonework be Your Legacy Project? Sign up Today to Participate

As we navigate through life we often seek means to create something that future generations will appreciate and value. Legacy projects, like the Mount Sutro Trail System, are few and far between. For a decade, volunteers worked one small piece at a time, to build the Mount Sutro trails that bring pleasure to so many. Recognizing your contribution as you revisit sites, where at first it seemed an impossible task to construct, can provide you with a profound sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, and become a true gift to many.

The pile of stone at the Clarendon Trailhead could become your legacy project if you accept the challenge! On Saturday, July 7 a small group of volunteers will resume measuring and grading the granite. The following event on Saturday, July 21 will mark the beginning of the stone masonry work. By following a diagram we will begin to split, and reface the stone to the sizes needed for retaining walls, seating, planters, and to create a formal entrance and gathering area for the Mount Sutro Trail System.

Read more about the Clarendon Trailhead Phase II here, to learn the history of where the granite came from and some photos of the work and tools to be used.
Signup to participate and make this your legacy too! Email to participate in upcoming events, and to be included on a list for additional dates for stonework.
This project is made possible through generous multi-year grants the Sutro Stewards have received from REI, support from UCSF, and volunteers like you!