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Intern Profile: Kelly Dodge

Kelly Dodge

Kelly Dodge, Conservation & Habitat Restoration Intern

Hello! My name is Kelly and I’m the conservation intern for the winter session. I recently completed my Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Studies concentrating in natural resource management and conservation at San Francisco State. Being fresh to the “real world,” Sutro Stewards has been a great opportunity for me to be out in the field and to gain some hands on experience. I hope to eventually lead a career in habitat restoration, hopefully focusing on all the amazing habitats California has to offer. We truly live in a special state and I want to do my part in conserving our unique habitats for future generations to enjoy.

Kelly (left) and Satoko carrying a tarp of weeds on Mount Sutro

I originally grew up in Orange County, California, where I was extremely lucky to have regular access to a wilderness preserve right behind my neighbor as well as fantastic beaches. Growing up there created a lasting impact on my respect for wilderness and has forged a deep intrinsic value for nature, especially Californian habitats. Access to open spaces, like Mount Sutro, are so vital in connecting the public back to nature. So I’m really excited to help play my role in stewardship and conservation here.

Outside of interning, I am a manager for a small dog walking company based in the Inner Richmond. We walk packs of six dogs all through the trails and beaches in the Presidio. I feel so lucky to be able to enjoy the scenery of the area on almost daily basis. My time at Sutro Stewards has already changed the way I look at the habitat while walking the pups. It is exciting to recognize and put names to the same plants in the Presidio that we are planting and protecting on Mount Sutro.

I really look forward to working more with Sutro Stewards, especially as we get into the planting season. I also look forward to continuing to work alongside the amazing, dedicated volunteers!

© 2018 - 2024 Sutro Stewards

Sutro Stewards is a project of the San Francisco Parks Alliance, a 501(c)3 California nonprofit public benefit corporation.

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