An almost primeval, cathedral-like forest lies dark and dripping along an
old, historic trail on the west side of Mt. Sutro.
As the fourth and final walk in our series of basic strolls to get around
Mt. Sutro, the stroll today completes a circuit of Mt. Sutro. Our
previous strolls took us from Cole Valley to the summit of Mt. Sutro near Rotary Meadow. In this hike we explore the other side of the mountain and return to where we started.
From Rotary Meadow head south-west on a slight decline a short distance and go right at the West Ridge Trail.
Walk along this trail a short distance through a Eucalyptus
forest until you reach the junction for the marked historic trail. Turn
right (northward) as the trail also goes south. This trail is part of the Bay
Area Ridge Trail system. The trail is on a slight decent, so it makes for easy hiking and is a bit of a breather after just climbing to the summit.