During the shelter-in-place, Sutro Stewards with partnership from Handson Bay Area created Nature in you Neighborhood a virtual volunteering experience where we challenge volunteers to go out into their backyard and neighborhoods to see what plants they can find near them! Below is one submission from our project with the youth from Handson Tomorrow. We hope you enjoy their discoveries!
By: Brian Arellano
Cephalocereus senilis is a species of cactus native to Guanajuato and Hidalgo in eastern Mexico. It is threatened in the wild, but widespread propagation and popularity in cultivation have reduced the demand on wild populations. My parents have always wanted to maintain a beautiful garden for the attractive appearance it can bring to their home and it’s just cool to have a variety of ornamental plants in the front yard to make your neighbors jealous. The old man cactus isn’t traditionally used to decorate a common garden, but my parents thought it would look cool when it’s all full grown and it reminds them a bit of Mexico where they were initially born.