In-Person Volunteer Events
Conservation Volunteer (Drop in)
Come join us at the Sutro Native Plant Nursery for conservation projects such as habitat restoration or nursery activities. Activities of the day may include invasive species removal, native plant plantings, plant propagation, seed processing, transplanting, pot washing, and much more! Help us work towards our mission of building community, connecting people with nature, and protecting and enhancing Mount Sutro, one of the city’s wildest and most beautiful green spaces. No experience necessary!
With the reopening of San Francisco, we are taking a phased-in approach to hosting volunteers with no restrictions. Please check back for updates on our COVID protocols.
Volunteers are highly encouraged to RSVP before attending each volunteer event! Events are limited to 12 participants.
Conservation Volunteer
Everyone Welcome
Wednesdays | 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Thursdays | 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
(Friday volunteer programs are available per request)
Meet at the Sutro Nursery Parking Lot
(476 Johnston Drive, San Francisco, 94131)
If you are interested in bringing a group to our events please go to our
Corporate Team Building or contact our Volunteer Coordinator at natti@sutrostewards.org
Trail and Habitat Stewardship Volunteer
Come join us in trail stewardship activities such as brushing, trail maintenance, or trail building. Or help on habitat restoration projects such as invasive species removal, pruning, and much more! Help us work towards our mission of building community, connecting people with nature, and protecting and enhancing Mount Sutro, one of the city’s wildest and most beautiful green spaces.
With the reopening of San Francisco, we are taking a phased-in approach to hosting volunteers with no restrictions. Please check back for updates on our COVID protocols.
Volunteers are required to RSVP before attending each volunteer event!
Trail and Habitat Stewardship
1st and 3rd Saturdays | 8:45 AM – 12:30 PM
Lunch and refreshments on us after program!
Work day will begin at 9:00am, please arrive 15 minutes early to sign in.
Meet at the Woods Lot
(100 Medical Center Way, San Francisco, 94131)

Sutro Stewards is dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all of our volunteers! Please read our community guidelines.
For larger groups, please email info@sutrostewards.org to find out how we can accommodate your group.
*We work rain or shine! Events are subject to cancellation due to high winds at or above18mph and poor air quality at or above 100 AQI.*
Please note that our activities often involve extensive walking and hiking on uneven terrain. If you have any accessibility needs or concerns, let us know in advance, and we’ll do our best to find an alternative or accommodation to support your participation.
Virtual Volunteer Events
Nature in your Neighborhood
A virtual volunteer event in collaboration between Hands on Bay Area and Sutro Stewards.
We are so excited to announce the launch of a new virtual volunteer opportunity created in partnership with HandsOn Bay Area and Sutro Stewards. Nature in Your Neighborhood is an interactive, virtual program where we challenge you to go out into your backyards or neighborhoods to learn more about the plants that grow around you.
Volunteers will attend an orientation with Sutro Stewards staff to learn how to identify Bay Area native and invasive plants and their impact on our local environment. We will supply you with all the resources you need to learn about the plants around you. Volunteers will then be tasked to venture into their backyards and neighborhoods to flex their new identification skills. You can create a short video about your plants, take photos and do a write-up for our blog or create any other creative content for Sutro Stewards’ use on social media platforms. We ask you to rejoin us after your discovery to share your findings with the group.
Develop your own green thumbs and learn about the environment in your backyards and neighborhoods! Volunteers will first meet us via Zoom for an orientation and then reconvene via Zoom to share their findings with the group.
Please reach out to info@sutrostewards.org to organize your own Nature in your Neighborhood!

Open Volunteer Positions
Crew Leader
The Nursery, Trails, and Habitat programs need dedicated crew leaders to instruct and support new volunteers to help get projects done safely and effectively! If you are interested in being more involved and gain experience leading others, managing projects, and learning technical aspects of trail building, nursery operations, or conservation practices, become a Crew Leader!
Crew Leaders are expected to commit to a minimum of 10 volunteer events per year and attend a crew leader training. Interested in being a crew leader? Contact us, and make sure to include if you are interested in nursery, trails, or conservation.
The Mount Sutro Native Plant Nursery is seeking a volunteer skilled and experienced with construction, building, and carpentry. We currently have several projects to execute building simple structures around our nursery facility. Sutro Stewards provides all materials and supplies, and some tools. Our current project list includes a soil bin with moveable slats, storage shelves, and a roof structure to cover our potting bench area.
We are looking for someone to advise, assist with design, and carry out projects alongside volunteers with assistance from staff. An ideal candidate is willing to work with and teach novices to complete projects. Our work parties generally take place on Wednesday mornings, and 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month; availability at those times is helpful but not required.
Contact us to learn more and let us know if you have questions, or require additional information. Please tell us briefly about relevant experience leading projects such as described above, and your availability. Thank you!